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    Marta DevClub.lv pasākumā runās par procesu automatizāciju

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    DevClub.lv ir Latvijas IT speciālistu komūna, kas ik mēnesi sanāk kopā, lai apspriestu izstrādātājiem aktuālus tematus. Nākamā kopā sanākšana paredzēta 19. martā plkst. 18:30 Microsoft Latvia telpās (Zaļā iela 1). Dalība ir bezmaksas, taču vietu skaits ierobežots, tāpēc reģistrējies laicīgi.

    Šoreiz pasākuma galvenā tēma ir procesu automatizācija. Par to pastāstīs zinoši jomas profesionāļi:


    Jānis Baiža from Autentica will give a talk “Delivery automation roadmap”

    We all agree that today at least automated deliveries is a must. In my talk I will look at our company’s experience with different project automated delivery solutions. Each automatization solution will be looked from 4 aspects: Automated change gathering, Automated change delivery, Automated delivery documentation and one click delivery solution. (Language – Latvian)

    Tags: automated delivery, Jenkins

    Jānis Baiža is a developer with 10+ year development experience basically in Oracle. Had worked also with Java, Ruby, .NET. Last 3 years also one of responsible persons for delivery process in projects.

    Aleksandrs, Filips and Jurijs from ALSO Cloud will speak about the implementation of the Continuous Integration based on Atlassian Bamboo. They will try to cover the why, the how and the what-to-look-out-for when implementing CI (and CD) in a medium-large project. (Language – English)

    Tags: atlassian bamboo, CI, CD, javascript, .net, nant

    Aleksandrs Stepanovs is a frontend developer with 6+ years of experience, specializing in single page applications.
    Jurijs Sakels is a hardcore .NET developer, tractor driver and whatever else he needs to be.
    Filips Jelisejevs is SCRUM Master by conviction and a software developer by heart.

    Artūrs Liepiņš from Accenture Latvia will talk about the cloud-hosted Continuous Integration service Travis CI – its strengths and weaknesses and how it compares to more traditional tools like Jenkins. The presentation will showcase automated building, testing and deployment to various services, including a live sample application going through these phases. Also, some promising alternative solutions will be introduced. (Language – Latvian)

    Tags: Continuous Integration, DevOps, Travis CI, Jenkins

    Artūrs Liepiņš is a young DevOps engineer exploring the latest and greatest in automation, virtualization and cloud technologies.

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