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    OnePlus apvieno spēkus ar Oppo

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    Viens no OnePlus dibinātājiem Pete Lau tikko paziņojis, ka OnePlus un Oppo apvienojuši vairākas abu uzņēmumu komandas, kas ļaus uzlabot ikdienas darbu veikšanu un iegūt papildu resursus, jo mazāks cilvēku skaits strādās pie vienādiem vai līdzīgiem projektiem.

    OnePlus un arī Oppo īpašnieks ir BBK Electronics, tāpēc šāds solis diez vai kādu pārsteigs. OnePlus un Oppo kopīgi strādās pie programmatūras un arī dzelžiem.


    Pete Lau ir ilggadējs OnePlus vadītājs, bet pirms aptuveni gada viņš kļuva arī par Oppo galveno produktu direktoru. Iespējams, šis ir vēl viens iemesls, kāpēc abi uzņēmumi beidzot satuvinājušies.

    Pagaidām šī sadarbība ir visai mīklaina, bet, varam visai droši sacīt, ka OnePlus ar Oppo sadarbojas dažādos līmeņos jau gadiem.

    Zemāk lasāms oficiālais Pete Lau paziņojums:

    Hi friends,

    Over the past eight years, the OnePlus brand has grown from an exciting newcomer into a global force to be reckoned with. In the premium category, we have been widely recognized in the industry for the quality of our products and the ability to outperform other brands with significantly larger budgets. And among tech enthusiasts like many of you, we have built a large and highly engaged community with a focus on openness and co-creation.

    Now, we’re at a turning point for the future of OnePlus. As we’ve begun growing our product portfolio, we’re able to give you more choices than ever before. True to our Never Settle spirit, we want to continue giving you the highest-quality OnePlus experience possible. And to do that, we must adapt as a team and as a brand.

    As many of you know, last year I took on some additional responsibilities to oversee product strategy for both OnePlus and OPPO. Since then, we have integrated a number of our teams together with OPPO to better streamline our operations and capitalize on additional shared resources. After seeing positive impact from those changes, we’ve decided to further integrate our organization with OPPO.

    I’m confident that this change will be positive for our community and our users. With this deeper integration with OPPO, we will have more resources at hand to create even better products for you. It will also allow us to be more efficient, for example, bringing faster and more stable software updates for OnePlus users.

    As for the OnePlus brand – we will continue to operate independently, focused on providing you with the best possible products and experience as we have always done. We will continue launching OnePlus products, holding events (hopefully in person soon) and engaging directly with you for feedback through the same OnePlus channels as before. OnePlus’ commitment to you remains the same.

    As always, we wanted to let you – our community – know about this directly from us as soon as we could share the news with you. You are a vital part of the OnePlus family, so it’s important that we communicate changes like this with you directly. Thank you for supporting us over all these years. We can’t do any of this without the OnePlus community.

    Never Settle

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    18.06.2021 11:17

    Kopš OnePlus palika vecāks, telefoni dārgāki un tuvojās OPPO, jo sūdīgāka palika viņu OS un tizlāki/ūdeņaināki viņu produkti.
